electric co

Electricco.co Recouture




Conny Groenewegen


Building a custom web presence for Electricco.co Recouture by Conny Groenewegen.


HTML, css, Javascript, Greensock GSAP.


electricco.co is online now

Made by Rocketclowns

ASTRON is geared to capitalise our expertise in radio astronomy technology and astronomical research to the benefit of society.

Making discoveries in radio astronomy happen


An interactive 3D animation of the Royal Conservatory’s Lemniscate of Continuous Improvement: the method of continuously monitoring the quality of the conservatory programme using internal and external sources.

Lemniscate of Continuous Improvement

Royal Conservatory: Quality Culture

In 2008, Rocketclowns created Ruben L. Oppenheimer’s official site, in Flash. For the time, it used some rather novel techniques, such as user controlled parallax, a 2.5D environment, and ambient sound design. The new version is a future-proof complete overhaul to HTML5, that would also reach mobile devices, and would be easier to keep up to date.

Cartoons brought to life

Ruben L. Oppenheimer

Using API data to build a fresh, user friendly UI

Custom API integration

Jobs at ASTRON: integration with Recruitee API

Rocketclowns News

One of the big challenges when working with Oxygen Builder sites is client-friendly content editing

Using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Flexible Layout with Oxygen Builder

Our interactive web animation / sound design project ‘Roberto’s Garden‘ is an interactive web experience with quite a backstory.

Roberto’s Garden featured on babylonjs.com

Embedding HTML5 Canvas into WordPress

Rocketclowns’ sound design division branches out and gets it’s own websiteand branding

New website for Rocketclowns sound design: olafwempe.com

Contact us

Developed by Rocketclowns

Lead developer
Olaf Wempe